“Tramway Dining Car” – Canteen & Souvenir Shop

This ex-NSWGR Passenger Car, car number LFA 449, is our Canteen and Souvenir shop and has been at our museum for many years. Throughout 2011 the car saw renovation work including new roofing, new windows and security screens, and internal and external repainting and signwriting. This project was funded by the Oak Flats Branch of the Bendigo Community Bank.

Further works that were funded under a NSW government Grant in 2012 and completed in 2014 have seen a new modern kitchen installed and further upgrading to the car in general.

In 2019 as the result of a further Community Partnerships grant,works have  seen further upgrade of the sales end of the Dining Car that includes new benches,new flooring and coffee sales that has been welcome look to visitors a more welcome experience of the NSWGR Dining Car.