Tully 6

Tully 6

0-6-2ST b/no. PE 7967/49/1

Status: Out of Service

Built by Perry Engineering Co. at Mile End South Australia in 1949, this locomotive spent its working life at the Tully Sugar Mill North Queensland until 1964, as No.6 on the mill roster.

The locomotive was withdrawn from service in 1964 and was placed in the grounds of the EL Arish Country Club in 1965. It was offered for sale due to deteriorating condition in 1972 and purchased by our society in 1973.

The locomotive arrived at Port Kembla in 1973. Dismantling for restoration began at Albion Park in 1976. After restoration was completed, the locomotive was placed in active service at Albion Park in 1987. It is now officially named “Tully 6”.

In 2015 it was withdrawn from service at Albion ParkĀ  for boiler restoration works, the boiler was restored and returned to Albion Park in 2022, the loco is undergoing restoration works.

Throughout 2023/2024 Perry has been restored seeing the boiler works and painting works done. From October through to December of 2024 is Perry has had the boiler tested and has been steamed and trialed.

Perry id programmed to renter service at Albion Park on Sunday March 9th 2025..All information email us at bookings@ilrms.com.au